Fcukers Night Cricket League

F Hostel at IIM Kozhikode is hosting Fcukers Night Cricket League. The poster hangs on the wall facing J hostel.

After the beating they received from F in 'K'onnect 2010 (F was 1st with 250 points while J shared the 2nd position with C with 95 points), Jokers have not been able to raise their head again. Last heard, their premiere cricket team had lost to some godforsaken hostel called K1. What a 'J'oke!

In case you're wondering what is the big deal about a night cricket tournament well, it is being played in the corridor of F hostel (top floor of 'F') under many 100 watt bulbs, with a plastic chair acting as a wicket.

As the poster says: there are 12 teams, 36 players - all fighting with just one aim, the FNCL Cup. Excerpt from a conversation that the write had with a guy from some other hostel (it is 'J':))

Heard about your gully cricket tournament. Yaar! F is different. Hats off to you guys!!

Thanks dude! We work hard for it!!

Visit our facebook page in order to view the pics, the schedule, the results and comments.


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