Pursuit of Happyness

Happyness - Yes! that's the way it is spelled in the movie. Mr Gardner found it spelled wrongly on a DayCare centre his son attended.

I watched this movie y'day after i had literally exhausted myself with another AIMCAT and had no energy left to attend a boring class on RC by Miss-Know-All-But-Can't-Convince-Me. It's fun bunking classes. It somehow makes you smarter .... at least that is what I felt when I smiled at other morones while coming out of the class with a helmet in one hand and an ADIDAS bag in another. Or may be it gives me a fleeting moment of unacknowledged limelight. i have always believed that it is more joyous to go to a lecture hall, sit for a while and then bunk it rather than not having gone there at all. In the first case, you are noticed and pitied or who knows may be even envied but in latter case you are an outright LAZY ..... nothing more.

Oh! i was talking of the movie.....

Let me tell you what i felt after having watched this movie.... i felt fresh, enrgised, hopeful and marvelled at the strength we all possess without ever realising it. The movie is about a father who loves his son and a land where you rise only when you work really hard, about a dream and the ways in which such dreams are realised. There were moments in the movie where i was reminded of 'Life is beautiful' (another lovely movie) and that's the message you carry after it ends. Life is beautiful and we just need to view it right. I can't talk of hardships or identify with those possibly because i haven't faced those. But, my parents did face those to ensure that i live my life doing more than merely earning my living and making my ends meet. And few of us might be trying at this very moment to stand upright, to make a failed relation work..... there is hope and light at the end of the road!! Dont be afraid if you are alone/lonely. There are far more things to desire for in life. And above all, we wouldn't have had Metamorphosis had Kafka not been lonely and cut-off.


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