You have "A heart of child trapped in the body of an adult", you are "A SIMPLE KIND OF COMPLEX CHARACTER"..... u love Oxymorons:)
Why would a guy love you and would he love you despite you or because of you? Will he be able to appreciate this li'l child trapped inside you? I frankly dont know......
Why do you keep saying that all men are same! Aren't they different in the very same way that all women are?!
And about love, committment, relationships etc. We all need them to grow, to evolve as a person. We get attached to a person not because s/he has a good bank balance, an M B A degree tucked under her/his belt and a fleet of cars. And if we do get attached to such a person, it's more out of design and less out of desire. I agree that sometimes we desperately want to love someone/anyone but as time passes we realise that things were not going to work out and 't was a bad choice in the first place. Committment is a big word but we devalue it by making it mandatory in our relationships. And more often than not we dont think much before we utter those 3 golden words..... hey! y it is Golden not Silver or Platinum or Diamond.... weird.... i know!!
Why would a guy love you and would he love you despite you or because of you? Will he be able to appreciate this li'l child trapped inside you? I frankly dont know......
Why do you keep saying that all men are same! Aren't they different in the very same way that all women are?!
And about love, committment, relationships etc. We all need them to grow, to evolve as a person. We get attached to a person not because s/he has a good bank balance, an M B A degree tucked under her/his belt and a fleet of cars. And if we do get attached to such a person, it's more out of design and less out of desire. I agree that sometimes we desperately want to love someone/anyone but as time passes we realise that things were not going to work out and 't was a bad choice in the first place. Committment is a big word but we devalue it by making it mandatory in our relationships. And more often than not we dont think much before we utter those 3 golden words..... hey! y it is Golden not Silver or Platinum or Diamond.... weird.... i know!!
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