But it rained.....

"Rain rain! Go away

Li'l Johnny wants to play....."

Y'day we had to say it many times to the rain god to let us go out and buy the groceries but He wasn't too giving. So, there went my Saturday and Sunday thru the window.... gosh! Why did i leave it open?!

Nevertheless, it was fun -

gossiping with Tutu over failed relationship,

chat with Rahul about his Japan trip,

telling my nephew Bonny not to loose heart even if he got 2/25 in Physics,

talking to Altamash (in Chennai presently) and deciding who all would be good husbands,

going out and swimming in the rain with Dada and getting my muscles pulled,

helping Rao (i told u i won't chop those spinaches) cook delicious soup, Tomato Sabji and Daal Palak,

learning to prepare tea,

totally drenched and stopping by at Rohit Wadewaale to have a cup of tea,

drenched to the bones and buying a dozen bananas from an old lady who would rather not give me an extra carry bag......




  1. I'm jealous reading this.. adding to my already lamentable existence.. fed-up.. frustrated.. bored.. exhausted.. half-dead..

    Feel like running away from this place at once, back to life.. air.. freedom.. It doesn't seem to be made for me..


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