An evening with the Prof...

It is always a pleasure - sitting with the Prof over a cup of tea and cigarette while he talks about Old Testament, V. Shantaram, Lagaan, Bimal Roy, Nandini Sundar, and myriad others...
Here is an interesting piece from Old Testament as narrated by the Prof:
An unnamed Levite (a young and handsome man) visited the town of Gibeah with his slaves and concubine. He met an old farmer whose place he decided to stay for the night. A gang of men appeared and demanded that the old man send out the Levite that they might homosexually rape or assault him. (It is again not clear what the precise meaning of the verb to know was). The old man argued that they should not abuse the visitor. He offered to give them his own virgin daughter to be heterosexually raped. The mob accepted the offer, and serially raped his daughter. However, they were still not satisfied. Then, the old man gave to them the prostitute. The men raped her through out the night with double the intensity for she was a prostitute - a loose woman. She finally died at the doorsteps of the old man. When the Levite woke up next morning and saw the dead body of his concubine he commented, "You deserved it." Then, the Levite went on to slice her body into 12 pieces and send one to each of the tribes of Israel as a warning to all the loose woman in the society.


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