Breakfast at Kadvu, dinner at NIT campus...

Was up at 6 to join Kapil and team for a breakfast at Kadvu. A breakfast to remember I must say... everything feels so perfect - the quiet surrounding, chirping of birds, backwater in front and greenery all around. You almost forget that you've come as a part of the group called as Campus Buddies and there are some very interesting anecdotes with these seniors worth listening to.

Was present in 9:15 Marketing class to discuss why Biocon should launch BioMab an antibody for Head and Neck cancer not now but after stage III results. Ha!

Went for a jog in the evening and then to NIT campus for a cuppa tea. Ended up having dinner also. Not that it was very inviting. rather the lack of hygiene reminded me of my own college canteen. Drive is good esp if you've clouds and few droplets of rain.

The horn is again giving troubles and needs to be looked into. The sooner the better.


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