Purely random

And the election results are out. The candidate I voted for has lost. Let us wait and watch if the Elephant can dance. Also, there is another election due on 12th. But that is more of a formality as Ahmedinejad is bound to return in Iran. 

Reading R K Narayan's The English Teacher.

Federar won French Open in a dull final. I had expected Soderling to at least put up a fight after denying us the joy of watching Federar and Nadal in the final. Trapped they define each other. I hope Nadal is available for the Wimbeldon.

Few more days left in the company and in Pune. And then off to Kerala. The feeling is mixed. Two years will pass 'just like that'. But again two years is a long time.  But I go by the design as always.

Don't cry darling

for there are better days ahead

just round the corner

i see you and me together

laughing over silly jokes

cribbing about everything

praising Bombay roads and people and traffic

dreaming more and doing still more

setting up a family

first house

first car - hey ! who chooses the colour

there i see you

and i see her  (are you sure about the name?)

and a dog

All this seems so distant and

yet so near.


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