Love actually

The other day I was talking to Mayank and we talked about books, friends, business, love etc.

He always had a desire to read/learn more and more about LOVE.... what great men say/write about it.... and in the process adding another dimension to his perspective.... sometimes positive, sometimes not so positive....According to him, this thing is complex, very complex.....

What according to me is LOVE....?

You look at your parents.... they come back home from office after a day's work.... they discuss about how their day was, what all happened in office.... it's all mundane but still they want to share everything.... there are no questions asked... but all the answers are given..... Isn't that love?!

Or when a child is on a merry-go-round and every time he waves at his parents they wave back....

One tear that falls so furtively
from her sweet eyes has just sprung,
as if she envied all the youths
who laughingly passed her right by.
What could I want more than this?
She loves me! I see it.
One moment just to hear her heart,
beating so close next to mine,
to hear my sighs like they were hers,
her sighings as if they were mine!
Heavens, please take me now:
All that I wanted is mine now!

  These lines were sent by Mayank... good lines.....


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