Dr Zhivago....

I'm yet to finish this book but feel like writing about it.... nothing compelling.....just a feeling.....

About Yurii and Lara.... about a love which has not found an expression yet but you know it's there.... unsaid but so very evident.... today the weather in Pune is very gloomy... not at all bright and sunny.... reminds me of Russia... how unfortunate on their part not to know how it feels to be out on a bright and sunny day.... Vera tells me English weather is also very gloomy... cold and dark.....

Vera tells me (yes! she tells me too many things but you would not be interested in all of them) it's a tragic story.... what could be the tragedy.... Lara and Yurii not living together.... or Revolution killing them and their spirit.... or making them numb..... or one of them sacrificing for another.... I wonder (You see it's different from wander and be careful when you pronounce these two words!) what could be tragic?! 

I'll be adding something to this blog every now and then....


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